The VerifyCardParams object holds the values necessary to perform a 3DS2 check against a new or existing card.
Attribute | Type | Description | Required/Optional |
customer | Customer | See Customer | required |
paymentIntent | PaymentIntent | See PaymentIntent | required |
paymentMethod | PaymentMethod | See PaymentMethod | required |
const fz = new FatZebra({
username: "MerchantXYZ"
customer: {
firstName: 'Captain',
lastName: 'America',
email: '[email protected]',
address: '123 Australia Blvd.',
city: 'Sydney',
postcode: '2000',
state: 'NSW',
country: 'AU'
paymentIntent: {
payment: {
amount: 1000,
currency: "AUD",
reference: "ref_123490",
verification: "ver_123480"
paymentMethod: {
type: "card",
data: {
number: "4111111111111111",
holder: "John Doe",
expiryMonth: "01",
expiryYear: "2022",
cvv: "123"
Updated almost 4 years ago