Using Hosted Payments Page


3DS2 via the Hosted Payments is only supported via fatzebra.js. If you are currently using a direct integration with the Hosted Payments Page by creating your own iframe and Hosted Payments Page URL you will need to switch over to fatzebra.js in order to implement 3DS2


If you're using React...

Don't use this library! Use our React SDK instead!


Fat Zebra's Hosted Payments Page (HPP) provides a seamless way to perform 3DS2 checks on either new or existing cards before a purchase is made.

When your customers submit a payment, the Fat Zebra Hosted Payments Page form will perform the following operations behind the scenes and emit javascript events so that you can react appropriately:

  1. Tokenise the card details entered into the Hosted Payments Page
  2. Perform a 3DS2 check against the card (Note: the enableSca URL parameter must be set to true in order for this to happen, more details in Step 5 below)
  3. Upon a successful 3DS2 check, HPP will then make a purchase call with the 3DS2 results to process the payment. If the 3DS2 check is unsuccessful, fatzebra.js will emit an event that you can react to.


Before completing the steps below, speak to the Fat Zebra support team to have 3DS2 enabled on your account

Step 1 - Obtain an OAuth access token

Follow the steps in Obtain an OAuth token to obtain an access token for your checkout session.

Step 2 - Include fatzebra.js on your page

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Step 3 - Initialise the FatZebra JS SDK

Initialize the FatZebra object in the footer of your page:

// Initialize the FatZebra object in the footer of your page
const fz = new FatZebra({


Note: your merchant username can be obtained from the Fat Zebra Merchant Dashboard.

Step 4 - Subscribe to fatzebra.js events

fatzebra.js will emit various javascript events. Subscribe to the ones relevant to you.

Available events include:

  • Validation - for validation errors
  • Tokenization - for success or failure of the tokenization of the card data
  • SCA - for success or failure of the 3DS2 checks
  • Payment - for success or failure of the payment
// Handle validation related errors, e.g. client-side validation
fz.on('fz.validation.error', function(event) {
  // ...

// Receive a FZ card token
fz.on('fz.tokenization.success', function(event) {
  // If required you can save the card token in your backend

// Handle errors related to payment processing
fz.on('fz.payment.error', function(event) {
  // Show an error message to the customer

fz.on('fz.payment.success', function(event) {
  // checkout ends

// Handle errors related to SCA
fz.on('', function(event) {
  // Show an error message to the customer

Step 5 - Load Hosted Payments Page

enableSca: true

See HppSetupParams for HPP options.

Note: The customer object is only required when enableSca is set to true.

  containerId: "fz-paynow",
  customer: {
    firstName: 'Captain',
    lastName: 'America',
    email: '[email protected]',
    address: '123 Australia Blvd.',
    city: 'Sydney',
    postcode: '2000',
    state: 'NSW',
    country: 'AU'
  paymentIntent: {
    payment: {
      amount: 500,
      currency: "AUD",
      reference: "ref_123490"
    verification: 'ver_123480' // made up value
  options: { // Hpp display options
    hideButton: false,
    hideLogos: true,
    enableSca: true

// Register click event handler to trigger Hosted Payment Page payment flow if
// you have a custom checkout button.
const handler = function() {

document.getElementById('checkoutButton').addEventListener('click', handler);

Your payment page is now ready for 3DS2 checks. When your customers enter card details and submit a payment, 3DS2 checks will now occur and either prompt the customer for additional verification details (challenge flow) or submit the payment without a customer prompt (frictionless flow).

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