Renders the Fat Zebra Hosted Payments Page within the specified div element (see containerId
in the example below).
The version field will control what version of the iframe will be displayed. The field is optional and will default to V2 if not included.
const fz = new FatZebra({
username: "MerchantXYZ"
containerId: "fz-paynow",
version: 3,
customer: {
firstName: 'Captain',
lastName: 'America',
email: '[email protected]',
address: '123 Australia Blvd.',
city: 'Sydney',
postcode: '2000',
state: 'NSW',
country: 'AU'
paymentIntent: {
payment: {
amount: 500,
currency: "AUD",
reference: "ref_123490"
verification: 'ver_123480'
options: { // Hpp display options
hideButton: false,
hideLogos: true
Updated 5 months ago