EventDescriptionApplicable Methods
fz.sca.successEmitted when 3DS validation completes successfully.

The liability shifts from merchant to the card issuer.

Please note: The edge case is when the enrolled field (ver) comes back as 'N' (3DS success - Not Enrolled), which means "No, Bank is not participating in 3-D Secure protocol". If the Enrolled value is equal to N, then the Consumer is NOT eligible for Authentication (No liability shift).

Most merchants choose to continue with these transactions, because otherwise in many cases it would be stopping customers from making legitimate transactions.
fz.sca.errorEmitted when 3DS enrolment or validation failed.

The payment attempt is deemed risky and merchant shall not proceed with the payment.

fz.sca.success Data Payload

aavstringAccount Authentication Value. Unique 32-character transaction token for a 3D Secure transaction. For Mastercard Identity Check, the AAV is named the UCAF. For Visa Secure, the AAV is named the CAVV.
cavvstringCardholder Authentication Verification Value. A Base64-encoded string sent back with Visa Secure-enrolled cards that specifically identifies the transaction with the issuing bank and Visa. Standard for collecting and sending AAV data for Visa Secure transactions.
parstringPayer Authentication Response. Compressed, Base64-encoded response from the card-issuing bank
slistringThe Security Level Indicator for 3DS transactions
xidstringString used by both Visa and Mastercard which identifies a specific transaction on the Directory Servers. This string value should remain consistent throughout a transaction’s history.
ucafstringUniversal Cardholder Authentication Field.

Mastercard only.
verstring3DS enrolment status.
directoryServerTxnIdstringDirectory server transaction Id
threedsVersionstring3DS version used for verifying the intended payment.
  message: "xxx",
  data: {
    aav: "xxx",
    cavv: "xxx",
    par: "xxx",
    sli: "xxx",
    xid: "xxx",
    ucaf: "xxx",
    ver: "xxx",
    directoryServerTxnId: "xxx",
    threedsVersion: "xxx",

fz.sca.error Data Payload

errorCodestringError code for specific 3DS/SCA failure scenario.

errorCode will be not be present in the event of request timeout or server error

See below for error code mapping.
// Request timeout, server error, etc. Prompt user to retry.
  errors: ["xxx"],
  data: null

// 3DS2 authentication failed. The card is deemed risky by issuer.
  errors: ["xxx"],
  data: {
    errorCode: "xxx"

3DS/SCA Error Code Mapping

Error CodeDescription
001Bypassed authentication
This is related to a feature that is currently not available. We will look at providing merchants the ability to configure rules to determine whether authentication is required for a transaction.
No liability shift
002Authentication not available on lookup
Unable to verify 3DS enrolment status with the issuer.
No liability shift
003Unavailable frictionless authentication
3DS authentication is unavailable with the issuer.
No liability shift
004Unsuccessful frictionless authentication
The issuer deems the transaction as risky
No liability shift
005Rejected frictionless authentication

No liability shift
006Unsuccessful step-up authentication
Unsuccessful authentication due to failed OTP (one time password) challenge.
No liability shift
007Unavailable step-up authentication
The card holder is enrolled for 3DS, but authentication is not available with that issuer.
No liability shift