The HppSetupParams object defines how the Hosted Payment Page (HPP) should be displayed via fatzebra.js, as well as setting the PaymentIntent.
is used in the following methods:
Attribute | Type | Description | Required/Optional | Default |
containerId | string | The id of the HTML div element where the Hosted Payment Page iframe will be rendered | required | |
customer | Customer | See Customer | required | |
paymentIntent | PaymentIntent | See PaymentIntent | required | |
options.buttonText | string | Specifies the text to be displayed for the submit button (e.g. Pay Now or Submit) Only applicable when hideButton is false | optional | empty |
options.cards | string, comma separated | Specifies a whitelist or blacklist of accepted cards. If the string is prefixed with an exclamation mark ! the cards listed will not be permittedPossible values are: AMEX , JCB , VISA , MasterCard , Diners , Discover , China UnionPay Examples ! AMEX,JCB - both AMEX and JCB are disabledVISA,AMEX - only enable VISA and AMEXNote if this field is present it is included in the end of the verification value string | optional | empty |
options.css | string | HTTPS URL for external CSS. This must be a valid HTTPS URL that serves valid CSS. If specified, cssSignature is also required. | optional | empty |
options.cssSignature | string | HMAC-MD5 of the css URL with the shared secret to sign the request | optional | empty |
options.hideButton | boolean | Hides the button from the checkout form for when the checkout should be triggered by a purchase | optional | false |
options.hideCardHolder | boolean | Hides the card holder entry field. If provided, needs to be in the verification hash calculation. | optional | false |
options.hideLogos | boolean | optional | true | |
options.logoUrl | string | HTTPS URL for the merchant logo. This must be a valid HTTPS URL that serves an image file (supported file types: PNG, JPEG or GIF). | optional | empty |
options.showEmail | boolean | Indicates whether to show and require the email field or not | optional | false |
options.showExtras | boolean | Indicates whether to display the invoice number and the amount to the customer | optional | false |
options.tokenizeOnly | boolean | When set to true , HPP will only tokenise the card and return the token via fz.tokenization.success event. 3DS/SCA and purchase will not run. | optional | false |
options.enableSca | boolean | When set to true , 3DS/SCA will run after card tokenisation and before payment is madeWhen false , a payment will be made after card tokenisationPlease note that 3DS/SCA will not run when both tokenizeOnly and enableSca are set to true | optional | false |
options.challengeWindowSize | string | The sizes are width x height in pixels of the window displayed in the cardholder browser. 2-character long string Available values are '01' : 250x400'02' : 390x400'03' : 500x600'04' : 600x400'05' : Full page (recommended) | optional | '05' |
const fz = new FatZebra({
username: "MerchantXYZ"
containerId: "fz-paynow",
customer: {
firstName: 'Captain',
lastName: 'America',
email: '[email protected]',
address: '123 Australia Blvd.',
city: 'Sydney',
postcode: '2000',
state: 'NSW',
country: 'AU'
paymentIntent: {
payment: {
amount: 500,
currency: "AUD",
reference: "ref_123490"
verification: "ver_123480"
options: { // Hpp display options
hideButton: false,
hideLogos: true,
enableSca: true
Updated 14 days ago