Refund Batch File Columns
Field Name | Example Value | Description |
Amount | 10050 Integer Required | The amount of the transaction to be processed. This is an integer in the smallest units for the currency (i.e. $100.50 will be 10050). |
Currency | AUD String (3 characters) Required | The ISO Currency code for the transaction. |
Reference | INV-1234 String (100 characters) Required | The merchant reference for the transaction. This must be unique. It is recommended that this is alphanumeric only with the exception of hyphen (-) and underscore (_). |
Card Holder | Max Smith String (50 characters) Required unless Token or Purchase ID is present | The card holder's name. |
Card Number | 4444333322221111 String (19 characters) Required unless Token or Purchase ID is present | The card number. |
Card Expiry | 09/2023 Date (mm/yyyy) Required unless Token or Purchase ID is present | The card expiry date in mm/yyyy format. |
Token | a348jki String (20 characters) Required unless Purchase ID is present or unless Card Holder, Card Number and Card Expiry are present. | The card token to be used in place of Card Holder, Card Number and Card Expiry. This column takes priority over the other card detail columns. |
Description | Invoice for EOFY accounts String (255 characters) Optional | The description for the transaction. |
Purchase ID | 071-P-ABCD1234 String (15 characters) Required unless Token is present or unless Card Holder, Card Number and Card Expiry are present. | If refunding a previous purchase, this is the ID of the purchase that should be refunded. |
Updated about 6 years ago