Refund Batch File Columns

Field NameExample ValueDescription
The amount of the transaction to be processed.
This is an integer in the smallest units for the currency (i.e. $100.50 will be 10050).
String (3 characters)
The ISO Currency code for the transaction.
String (100 characters)
The merchant reference for the transaction. This must be unique.
It is recommended that this is alphanumeric only with the exception of hyphen (-) and underscore (_).
Card HolderMax Smith
String (50 characters)
Required unless Token or Purchase ID is present
The card holder's name.
Card Number4444333322221111
String (19 characters)
Required unless Token or Purchase ID is present
The card number.
Card Expiry09/2023
Date (mm/yyyy)
Required unless Token or Purchase ID is present
The card expiry date in mm/yyyy format.
String (20 characters)
Required unless Purchase ID is present or unless Card Holder, Card Number and Card Expiry are present.
The card token to be used in place of Card Holder, Card Number and Card Expiry.
This column takes priority over the other card detail columns.
DescriptionInvoice for EOFY accounts
String (255 characters)
The description for the transaction.
Purchase ID071-P-ABCD1234
String (15 characters)
Required unless Token is present or unless Card Holder, Card Number and Card Expiry are present.
If refunding a previous purchase, this is the ID of the purchase that should be refunded.