Incremental Authorization
Merchant can make incremental authorization to change the amount of authorization in the lifecycle of the authorization.
There are two types of incremental authorization:
- Top up the amount - This increases the amount of the pre-authorization, and extend the chargeback expiry date.
- Update the pre-authorization expiry date - This only extends the pre-authorization expiry date.
- By default, pre-authorization stays for 7 days, and every extension will extend it by 7 days.
- Extension can only be done before it is expired.
Incremental Auth Example
Below is a scenario example to illustrate how to do a top up and extend the chargeback expiry date
Pre-authorization Transaction
You can reference Create an authorization for more details. To show it is a pre-authorization, set capture: false
* Request: POST /v1.0/purchases
"amount": 100,
"currency": "AUD",
"card_holder": "John Smith",
"card_number": "411111xxxxxx1111",
"card_expiry": "01/2025",
"cvv": "123",
"reference": "first_preauth_transaction",
"capture": false
* Response
"successful": true,
"response": {
"authorization": "123456",
"id": "1-P-VBF4KCE9",
"card_number": "411111xxxxxx1111",
"card_holder": "John Smith",
"card_expiry": "2025-01-31",
"card_token": "lk78b0xadcdek2hffvkadif",
"card_type": "VISA",
"card_category": "Credit",
"card_subcategory": "Standard",
"amount": 100,
"decimal_amount": 1.0,
"successful": true,
"message": "approved - balance avail",
"reference": "first_preauth_transaction",
"currency": "AUD",
"transaction_id": "1-P-VBF4KCE9",
"settlement_date": "2020-04-23",
"transaction_date": "2020-04-23T10:21:31+10:00",
"response_code": "00",
"captured": false,
"captured_amount": 100,
"rrn": "042321000062",
"cvv_match": "M",
"metadata": {
"authorization_tracking_id": "HNR0003960518",
"card_sequence_number": "",
"sca_exemption": "",
"original_transaction_reference": ""
"addendum_data": {}
"errors": [],
"test": false
Top-up Transaction (incremental auth)
To top up the transaction, you have to provide an amount that is bigger than the original amount. In this case, we need to provide a value bigger than 100. Let's assume we need to increment the transaction by $1.00, then we should send 200. See more details in Update an authorization
Note that you will need to provide the previous response ID "1-P-VBF4KCE9" in the url.
* Request: PUT /v1.0/purchases/1-P-VBF4KCE9
"amount": 200
Now the pre-authorization is extended to $2.00, and the new expiry date is 7 days after this transaction time.
"successful": true,
"response": {
"authorization": "123456",
"id": "1-P-VBF4KCE9",
"card_number": "411111xxxxxx1111",
"card_holder": "John Smith",
"card_expiry": "2025-01-31",
"card_token": "lk78b0xadcdek2hffvkadif",
"card_type": "VISA",
"card_category": "Credit",
"card_subcategory": "Standard",
"amount": 200,
"decimal_amount": 2.0,
"successful": true,
"message": "Approved",
"reference": "first_preauth_transaction",
"currency": "AUD",
"transaction_id": "1-P-VBF4KCE9",
"settlement_date": null,
"transaction_date": "2020-04-26T11:13:49+10:00",
"response_code": "00",
"captured": false,
"captured_amount": 0,
"rrn": "042321000062",
"cvv_match": "U",
"metadata": {
"sca_exemption": "",
"card_sequence_number": "",
"authorization_tracking_id": "HNR0003960518",
"original_transaction_reference": "",
"original_amount": "100"
"addendum_data": {}
"errors": [],
"test": false
You will notice that in the response, the authorization is being kept the same.
Pre-authorization Expiry Extension
To extend the expiry date while keeping the amount the same, you should use extend: true
* Request: PUT /v1.0/purchases/1-P-VBF4KCE9
"extend": true
This will allow the pre-authorization to be extended by 7 days from the day this transaction is sent.
"Amount" and "Extend" cannot be sent at the same time
When "amount" is provided in the payload, the expiry date of the pre-authorization will be extended, so you should not send "extend" if you are already doing a top up.
Pre-authorization Completion
Once the payment is ready to settle, you should send pre-authorization completion to settle the payment. This has to be done before the pre-authorization expires. See more details in Capture an authorization .
* Request: POST /v1.0/purchases/1-P-VBF4KCE9/capture
"amount": 200
Updated almost 4 years ago