With the PayPal integration, merchants can subscribe to the following events to get response or error objects from our Gateway.

fz.paypal.errorEmitted when there is any PayPal errors including:
- Rendering the PayPal button
- Validation errors (e.g. invalid request payload)
- Any PayPal initiated errors
fz.paypal.processingEmitted when Fatzebra is processing the payment. This can be used to inform users, e.g. with a processing message
fz.paypal.cancelEmitted when user cancels a payment
fz.paypal.successEmitted when user confirms the payment/billing agreement



Event listeners should be set up before calling fz.setupPayPal().


  data: null,
  errors: ['Invalid request payload']


  data: {},
  message: 'The request is being processed.' 


  data: {
  	orderID: '335GS56ADSG5'
  message: 'PayPal Checkout cancelled.'


This event is fired for a successful order or a billing agreement:

1. PayPal Order

  message: 'PayPal order approved.'
  data: {
    id: "123-PPO-NJV6YOCZ60J8NISE",
    reference: "ref_12345_281973",
    amount: 12000,
    decimalAmount: 120.0,
    successful: true,
    message: "Approved",
    currency: "AUD",
    transactionId: "123-PPO-NJV6YOCZ60J8NISE",
    transactionDate: "2020-08-27T15:14:22+10:00",
    intent: "Capture",
    paypalReference: "ref_12345_281973",
    invoiceId: "ref_12345_281973",
    billingAgreementId: null,
    status: "Completed",
    paymentSource: null,
    authorizedAmount: 0.0,
    capturedAmount: 120.0,
    refundedAmount: 0.0,
    authorizations: [],
    captures: [
        id: "123-PPC-BHG8DOSWRCVLGZOK",
        status: "Completed",
        captured: true,
        amount: 12000,
        decimalAmount: 120.0,
        successful: true,
        currency: "AUD",
        transactionId: "123-PPC-BHG8DOSWRCVLGZOK",
        transactionDate: "2020-08-27T15:14:22+10:00",
        invoiceId: "ref_12345_281973",
        paypalFee: 318,
        sellerReceivableNetAmount: 11682,
        noteToPayer: "Sporting Goods",
        isFinalCapture: true
    refunds: [],
    payer: {
      id: "29E2S1DN8P7FY",
      email: "[email protected]",
      address: { countryCode: "AU" }
    payee: {
      id: "JEUIDZ5Q5JE0E",
      email: "[email protected]"

2. PayPal Billing Agreement

  message: 'PayPal Billing Agreement created.'
  data: {
    id: "123-PBA-OPFHG40FRT6AHDENC",
    name: "Sample Billing Agreement",
    description: "Stored PayPal account",
    state: "Active",
    payer: {
      payerInfo: {
        email: "[email protected]",
        firstName: "Test Buyer",
        lastName: "Buyer",
        payerId: "4NGF92BA8UA5S"
    shippingAddress: {
      firstName: "John",
      lastName: "Doe",
      address_1: "100 Kent Street",
      address_2: "Cafe Lane",
      city: "Sydney",
      state: "NSW",
      postcode: "2000",
      country: "AU"
    merchantCustomData: "",
    createdAt: "2020-08-27T15:15:13+10:00"