

PayPal Integration

You can talk to our support team about integrating PayPal Checkout and activating your account. You can also refer to our integration guideline document for further information:

In this document, PayPal endpoints are described including:

  • Orders
  • Authorizations
  • Captures
  • Refunds
  • Billing Agreements

Response objects


idStringID of the order
amountIntegerAmount of the order in the smallest unit for the currency e.g. cents
decimal_amountFloatAmount of the order as a decimal
captured_amountIntegerCaptured amount if the order is captured
authorized_amountIntegerAuthorization amount if the order is authorized
refunded_amountIntegerRefunded amount if the order is refunded
messageStringApproved, Declined
transaction_idStringID of the refund
currencyStringCurrency of the refund
successfulBooleanIf the operation was successful or not
transaction_dateString / DateDate of the refund
intentStringCapture, Authorize
paypal_referenceStringReference number assigned by PayPal
invoice_idStringInvoice ID of the order
billing_agreement_idStringID of the billing agreement if paid by a billing agreement
statusStringCreated, Saved, Approved, Voided, Completed
authorizationsArrayList of authorizations
capturesArrayList of captures
refundsArrayList of refunds
payerObjectBuyer's PayPal information
payeeObjectMerchant's PayPal information


idStringID of the authorization
amountIntegerAmount of the authorization in the smallest unit for the currency e.g. cents
decimal_amountFloatAmount of the authorization as a decimal
captured_amountIntegerCaptured amount if the authorization is captured
refunded_amountIntegerRefunded amount if the capture is refunded
messageStringApproved, Declined
transaction_idStringID of the refund
currencyStringCurrency of the refund
successfulBooleanIf the operation was successful or not
transaction_dateString / DateDate of the refund
statusStringCreated, Requested, Voided, Captured, Partially Captured, Expired, Denied
balance_available_for_captureIntegerAvailable balance for capture
orderStringID of the parent order
referenceStringThe order reference


idStringID of the refund
amountIntegerAmount of the refund in the smallest unit for the currency e.g. cents
decimal_amountFloatAmount of the refund as a decimal
captured_amountIntegerCaptured amount
messageStringApproved, Declined
transaction_idStringID of the refund
currencyStringCurrency of the refund
successfulBooleanIf the operation was successful or not
transaction_dateString / DateDate of the refund
statusStringCompleted, Requested, Declined, Refunded, `Partially Refunded
note_to_payerStringNote to the buyer
invoice_idStringInvoice ID of the refund
paypal_feeIntegerPayPal fee
seller_receivable_net_amountIntegerSeller receivable net amount
balance_available_for_refundIntegerAvailable balance for refund
balance_available_for_captureIntegerAvailable balance for capture
authorizationStringID of the parent authorization
orderStringID of the parent order
refunded_amountIntegerRefunded amount
is_final_captureBooleanIf this is the final capture of the order
capturedBooleanIf it is captured, refunded or partially refunded
referenceStringThe order reference


idStringID of the refund
amountIntegerAmount of the refund in the smallest unit for the currency e.g. cents
decimal_amountFloatAmount of the refund as a decimal
refundedStringApproved, Declined
messageStringApproved, Declined
transaction_idStringID of the refund
currencyStringCurrency of the refund
successfulBooleanIf the operation was successful or not
transaction_dateString / DateDate of the refund
statusStringCompleted, Requested
note_to_payerStringNote to the buyer
invoice_idStringInvoice ID of the refund
paypal_feeIntegerPayPal fee
seller_payable_net_amountIntegerSeller payable net amount
balance_available_for_refundFloatAvailable balance for refund
captureStringID of the parent capture
orderStringID of the parent order

Billing Agreement

idStringID of the billing agreement
nameStringName of the billing agreement assigned by merchant
descriptionStringDescription of the billing agreement assigned by merchant
stateStringState of the billing agreement: Active, Inactive
payerObjectBuyer's information including: email, first_name, last_name
shipping_addressObjectBuyer's shipping address
merchant_custom_dataStringMerchant generated data
Refer to PayPalPaymentObject
created_atString / DateCreation date of the billing agreement